Friday, August 29, 2008

Week 2 Readings

Wikipedia Def.
I found that the computer hardware definition was extremely helpful. Having very little technological background, it was nice to have everything broken down. The fact that the wording was simple and concise also made reading all the definitions much more bearable.

Moore's Law
This piece was a little harder to digest. The terms used were a bit more complicated. It's interesting how the term "Moore's Law," wasn't even coined by Moore himself. Also, the fact that the law being accepted led to becoming a goal for the entire industry is amazing. This man wrote an article and it changed technology. It was also curious to read how there are arguments about whether there are limits on the law or if it can continue forever.

Computer History Museum
This museum looks rather interesting. I expect it would be better for those really into technology though. Their mission statement is ambitious. I'm curious about how exactly they are able to capture how the computing revolution impacts the human experience. Pictures, books, blogs of personal accounts; what exact artifacts does the museum feel captures technologies impact best? I know there's a combination of items, but I wonder what each member of the staff thinks about that subject.

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