Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 9 Reading Comments & Muddiest Point

The first XML article helped breakdown XML for me some. I seem to get easily thrown off by all the acronyms, knowing I've come across them before, but hardly ever remembering them. It did finally sink in that the start and end of each logical element of the file has to be identified, which I have a feeling will be useful to know for our next assignment.

XML Standards:
What I liked about this article was that an abundance of helpful articles and sites were included. These are sites I will likely visit in the future to gain a better idea of what all is included in XML. I also liked the sidenote that gave information pertaining to the various organizations and informal groups involved in creating XML standards.

Extending Markup:
I felt this tutorial was extremely easy to read. There's still a ton of information to try and absorb, but this was an easy tutorial to go through. It was also humorous. I loved how the author pointed out that you encounter tons of 3-letter acronyms when learning this information.

Schema Tutorial:
This also did a good job of breaking down information, but was again, a lot to absorb. The listed restrictions will likely be handy to get familiar with though.

Muddiest Point:
I am curious if when using colors in presentation tags, how specific can one actually get. If I want a particular shade of green, do I specify "lime green," or how does one chose specific shades of color?


Abby Jacobsen said...

Ms. Southworth,
The acronyms kinda threw me off as well. Even though one of the points of acronyms is that they can help you easily remember what they stand for, I still forget them. There were a lot in the articles that started with the same letters and basically sounded the same. I just made my own definitions up. I found it much more entertaining.

Lauren Menges said...

I have had a similar experience when it comes to the information really "sinking in." It's difficult to process and absorb all of the information we are presented in such a short time frame, and it makes learning new material even trickier because it all builds on what we've already gone over.

Daqing said...

if you want to control the digital color, using the different combination of numbers for the three basic colors is the best way