Thursday, September 25, 2008

Week 6 Readings and Muddiest Point

Wikipedia: Local area networks
Once again, having little knowledge in this area, I found this Wikipedia piece on LANs rather helpful. I now know what type of computer network I use on a regular basis.

Wikipedia: Computer network
This was also easy to understand, which I appreciate. I do think I was a bit confused about MANs still. I guess I don't understand who uses MANs.

This video on common types of computer networks was short and easy to process. I thought the guy did a nice job explaining things. Watching this was a nice change as opposed to reading another article.

I was excited to read this article because RFID's have been a hot topic with my circle of friends for years now. I never considered the use of RFID's in libraries before, but being opposed to their use, when I was reading this article, I often found myself cringing. I can see how they could be useful though in some aspects. And the author is right, despite our personal viewpoints, we probably have very little say in whether we use these devices or not. Since libraries would need RFID's for very specific purposes, and since they would get used repeatedly, I wonder how much such technology will cost libraries in the end.

Muddiest Point:
My experience with streaming is that often the video or song or whatever has to stop several times until it receives the rest of the information. Is this something that can be improved upon, or is it something viewers have to deal with?


ngrey_o said...

How funny, after I read the article on networks I thought the exact samething- now I know what kind of newtwork my computer is on!

ngrey_o said...

Oops I meant network...guess I should proof better

Daqing said...

when the download speed is slower than your playing speed you will see that. but if the download speed is faster, you will not see the stop during viewing the videos. it is related to your network connection speeds.